A new hospital for Wiltshire’s Wildlife

We have a vision to create a modern, fit-for-purpose, future-proof wildlife hospital that meets the ever-growing needs of wildlife and our communities. When we started rescuing and rehabilitating wildlife some 30 years ago, the numbers reached no more than a few hundred animals each year. We now admit more than 4,000 animals each year and the numbers keep growing. To respond to this need and to ensure we can provide our service for many more years to come, we need to update and improve our facilities.

We launched a fundraising campaign in 2020, with the wonderful Dame Judi Dench as the figurehead. That initial campaign, coupled with an unexpected legacy donation, meant we were able to embark on the first phase of our development project.

Our friend Dame Judi Dench explains why we need a new hospital and what it would mean for our wildlife.

We are extremely proud to report that a new building, an annex to the main barn, has been completed and we will be moving in during April 2024. The facility comprises a reception room, an assessment room, a treatment/hospitalisation room, a nursery and species specific spaces for hedgehogs, birds and mammals. This building links to our existing barn and will provide us with vital space and modernised rooms that will not only mean we can provide better care for our patients but also provide a comfortable working environment for our wonderful volunteers. We can not express our gratitude for the donations and support we have received to get to this stage.

Next Steps

Having our new annex building means we can now renovate our existing barn, while still continuing to offer our wildlife rescue and rehabilitation service. Our faithful barn has served us well for over 20 years, but a mixture of wear and tear, and little time or resource available to maintain it, has left us with a building that is in urgent need of updating. This space, once modernised, will provide us with large animal pens, flight aviaries, vital storage space and most excitingly a classroom and onsite facilities for work experience students and veterinary trainees, meaning we can expand our knowledge and experience to the next generation while offering the best service we can to the wildlife and public of our local communities.

We can’t do this alone!

We need your help!!

Are you able to help us run the fundraising campaign?
Can you offer a donation?
Can you offer materials or labour?
Do you have a specialist skill that might make this easier for us?

Please do get in touch if you think you can help.